Monday, July 20, 2009

Buddy System

Listening to The Takeaway this morning, I heard a woman speaking to the benefits of using the buddy system in one's job hunt.

This is a pretty interesting concept - pair up with an unemployed pal, or create a network of them, to urge each other on in your hunt for a job. As, gentle readers, I have written before, I do not have too many unemployed friends. But I like this idea. Instead of a career counselor or a job coach - to whom one has to pay huge fees - grab your nearest unemployed friend and brainstorm your strengths and weaknesses and where you will be able to use those skills. Brainstorm the type of job you want and the type of job you can realistically get. Brainstorm the companies you should apply to and the companies that you want to apply to. The best part, the hardest thing to do when you're unemployed and have nothing but time on your hands, is that you and your buddy assign goals to each other, with a time-line - a to-do list that you actually have to complete.

One aspect of this that I really like is the brainstorming your strengths and weaknesses. Especially if you have a friend as your buddy. Because, let's be honest, my dears, we are not always honest with ourselves - about our strengths or our weaknesses. And another set of eyes is a valuable tool in your hunt for employment.

Just a thought.


  1. Too much focus on the job market, why?
    Your manager gave a job to do and an assignment with a dead line. If you do what they ask of you, then their business continues to grow. Your life is not that different from the job you are looking for.
    What are you looking for?
    Quick money,
    Financial freedom,
    Early retirement,
    Temporary income, paycheck to paycheck,
    Permanent income, start your own business?
    Which ever you choose, do you have a plan, where to go or what to do?
    It saddens me to see so much talent and resources go down the drain every second of the day, which are all you need to change your life around to be in control again.
    When I found my moment, I was missing the belief and needed the support to keep me going. I know how hard it was for me, so I am a big fan of the buddy system. In fact, it is a necessity. You need the right mind-set to achieve any thing.
    If the buddy system exists, then I would like to volunteer by sponsoring those who would commit to succeed with a fraction of the effort they put into looking for a temporary income. I simply will provide the support and guidance to help them find the treasure within. Email:

  2. When you are hired, the owner/s have expectations of what you can provide so the company continues to grow. If you don't fill the shoes waiting for you, they will let go.
    Your life is your own company. What are your expectation and how do you want to run it?
